the ZDT.
Together with the Ministry of Science, Research and Cultural Affairs (MWFK) of Brandenburg, the universities have agreed to closely cooperate on relevant digital transformation projects. With appropriate projects in all important subject areas of the universities, as the ZDT we want to modernize and expand the portfolio of digital services. Our office has been coordinating all activities of the cooperation network since April 2020 and is always happy to help.
The managers responsible für digital transformation and IT at the universites contribute ideas and prepare decisions. They work closely with experts from all areas of higher education and with the Ministry of Science. In this way, we pave the way for joint projects, clarify goals and perspectives in the interaction of all digitization projects at Brandenburg Universities. We implement projects quickly and review progress together. With the help of IT officers at the universities, joint working groups and open events within our „ZDT Forum“, we actively involve employees at the universites in the development of ideas and change processes.
We are pleased that we have already achieved some important goals together:
the first position paper on cooperation between universities in the IT sector
an assessment of administrative IT and the founding of the ZDT
the first concrete cooperation project in 2020
all universities and the Ministry of Science develop the "Common Agenda on Digital Transformation"and decide to expand cooperation via the ZDT
VP R = Vice-Presidents for Research and Transfer | VP S = Vice-Presidents for Studies and Teaching | C = Chancellors
Our completed projects:
million euros annual funding from the state of Brandenburg
The federal state Ministry of Science, Research and Cultural Affairs (MWFK) supports the ZDT and successful cooperative project applications on the basis of funding principles. The state of Brandenburg provides two million euros annually for this purpose. This makes development and digital transformation of teaching, research and administration for Brandenburg’s universities possible and also makes them nationally and internationally competitive and future-oriented. One of the main conditions for financial support is that at least six out of eight universities work together on a project.
In addition, the state of Brandenburg provides the universities with millions of euros in digitization funding through university contracts and special programs, for example for the further development of digital teaching and infrastructures.
Relaxed and successful studying is possible because CampusApps and digital learning platforms bundle everything important for students and make it accessible everywhere.
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